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Little Nightmares Wiki

The following is a list of characters that have not made any physical appearances in the series, but have been referenced once or multiple times. Examples of references to these characters are through in-game portraits, newspapers, or photos. These characters might also have appeared in the concept art. This list excludes unidentified characters that already have their own pages, such as The Baker, The Barber, or The Principal.

Image Appearances Gallery
Painting Person 1
Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : His portrait can be seen in the first room with the wall filled with portraits, and in the room where the portraits need to be lit in Secrets of the Maw. In this room, he is one of the portraits that need to be lit in Secrets of the Maw.

Little Nightmares II : His portrait can be seen in the School located in the first puzzle next to the Teacher's portrait and in a room with giant chess pieces. This version of his portrait is vandalized with a mustache. His portrait can also be found on the wall of the Hunter's cabin in the Wilderness.
The Nome's Attic: His portrait appears on the floor of the first part of the attic. It is pushed aside by the Nome in order to reveal an entry point to get to the next room.

Painting Person 2 Photo 1
Little Nightmares : Two versions of the portrait of them wearing a dress can be seen on a wall in the beginning of The Lady's Quarters.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : Photo to the right can be seen in the first room with the wall covered in portraits, and again in the next room where their portrait needs to be lit up.
Little Nightmares II : According to a datamine, their portrait can be found in the Wilderness.

Portrait Person 4
Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : Photo to the right can be seen in the first room with the wall covered in portraits, and again in the next room where her portrait needs to be lit up. Another photo of her large body can be seen in a bath.

Little Nightmares II : She can be seen in a newspaper article sitting in a wheelchair with that appears to be two pictures of each of the Twin Chefs on the wall. According to a datamine, her portrait also appears in the Wilderness.
Concept art: She can be seen being bathed by Six in a bathtub.

Little Nightmares : All three variations of this character's portrait can be seen throughout the first game, most notably on the wall in the first part of the Lady's Quarters.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : The version of this portrait with the blue intestine-like head can be seen on the wall filled with portraits.
Very Little Nightmares : A Jack-in-the-box meant to portray the mirror monster appears to be based on the portrait.
Little Nightmares II : A photo of the portrait without a head can be seen in the second game. According to a datamine, the version of the portrait with the blue intestine-like head appears in the Wilderness.

Painting Yellow Creatures
Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : Their portrait can be seen on the wall filled with portraits.
Painting Child 1
Little Nightmares : A portrait of the child wearing an orange suit be seen several times throughout the game.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : His portrait can be seen in the room where various portraits need to be lit in order to solve a puzzle. His portrait is not lit. He can also be seen during a trailer for the Residence , but this version of his portrait did not make it to the final game.
Very Little Nightmares : A portrait based on his concept art can be seen in a secret room. In this portrait, his hair is brown instead of the color of his skin.
Little Nightmares II : According to a datamine, his portrait appears in the Wilderness. His portrait can be found on the wall of the first part of the School.
Concept art: He can be seen in concept art standing amongst other children wearing a stripped outfit.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence: Their portrait appears on a wall of other portraits.

Concept art: He or a similar character appears in concept art for Little Nightmares II.

Little Nightmares : Portraits of this girl or two girls that look similar to one another appear in the Lady's Quarters. A portrait of the girl can also be seen standing next to the Lady in the Guest Area.
Little Nightmares : This child's portraits can be seen numerous times throughout the game, such as in the Twin Chef's quarters, and in the Lady's quarters.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence: He can be seen during a trailer for the Residence , but this version of his portrait did not make it to the final game.
Very Little Nightmares : A portrait based on the design of this character was seen in Very Little Nightmares, although it was colored differently.

Little Nightmares : This child's portraits can be seen numerous times throughout the game, such as in the Janitor's room, and on a television show.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence: He can be seen during a trailer for the Residence , but this version of his portrait did not make it to the final game.

Painting Child 4
Little Nightmares : Two versions of this portrait can be found in the first Little Nightmares game, one with an somewhat circular frame and one with a square frame. The square frame can be found in The Twin Chefs' quarters in a hallway that connects them to the elevator.
Eyeball Portrait Close Eye
Little Nightmares : Multiple variations be found in various different places throughout the Maw, such as in the Janitor's room and the Lady's Quarters.

Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : Several versions can be found on the wall of portraits.
Concept art: This creature can be seen on concept art of the Maw's smokestack.

Little Nightmares: This character's portrait can be found on the wall in a room full of dolls in The Lair.
Little Nightmares : The realistic lady can be seen on a television used to distract the Janitor while the "Veronica TV Song" plays in the background. Two photos are played simultaneously to create the illusion that she is moving.
Little Nightmares : The shadowy figure can be seen on the television used to distract the Janitor.
Brainless Statue
Secrets of the Maw, The Residence : The bust of this model was revealed in a date mine. While the statue itself does not appear, the statues face appears on three plates located in the secret room next to the portrait room.
VLN Monster Picture Wealthy Gentleman
Very Little Nightmares : His portrait appears hung high up on the wall in what is assumed to be the master bedroom.
Pretender And Her Parents
Very Little Nightmares : Their portrait is seen at the top level of the final part of the Nest's interior. They are theorized to be the Pretender's parents.
TEX PaintingsWilderness D
Little Nightmares II : This man's picture can be seen in one of the various newspapers. According to a datamine, his portrait can also be found in the Wilderness.
Missing little boy
Little Nightmares II : His photo can be seen on what appears to be a 'missing persons' poster. He can also be seen in one of the various newspapers.

Concept art: His 'missing persons' poster can be seen in the concept art.

The Strange Boy
Little Nightmares II : A photo of him labeled "Strange Boy" can be found in the Pale City.

Concept art: This character appears in scrapped concept art for the Hospital.

Little Nightmares II: As portraits and as photographs. The portraits can be seen in The Transmission.

Concept art: Several concepts for these faces were created in the concept art (seen at the left) for Little Nightmares II.

Other unknown characters

Cut portraits of unidentified characters

Main article: Cut content in Little Nightmares#Portraits

The following includes portraits of unidentified characters that were removed from the final product. There characters are not likely to appear in future releases.


  • It has been widely theorized that many of the characters seen in these portraits were meant to be seen physically in game, but were scrapped from the final product.
What was believed to be an unidentified character as seen in the steel door's circular window.
  • At the beginning of the first Little Nightmares game, the light coming through a small circular door is briefly obscured after something passes by it. It was popularly believed that what passed by the door was an unidentified character. After inspecting the object behind the door through data-mining, it was revealed that this was what appears to be a hunk of meat wrapped with white cloth-like material, labeled as "packedbody_01."[1]


Video game characters

SixNomesThe Hanging ManLeechesThe JanitorThe Bread Giving BoyDark SixThe Shoe MonsterThe Twin ChefsThe GuestsThe LadyThe Runaway KidThe Flashlight GirlThe GrannyShadow KidsDr. No (pictured)The Third Chef (removed)The Wax Bellman (removed)

The Girl in the Yellow RaincoatThe Kid with a Red ScarfNomesSixThe CraftsmanThe ButlerThe Dump MonsterThe Pretender

MonoSixThe Hunter's VictimsGlitching RemainsNome (DLC only)The HunterThe TeacherThe BulliesThe Lunch LadyThe PatientsLiving HandsThe DoctorThe ViewersThe Thin ManThe Mail RecipientDark SixMonster SixFlesh WallsThe Television with an Eye (unused)Spirit (unused)The Baker (removed)The Barber (removed)The Principal (removed)

LowAloneNomesBeetlesThe DwellersMonster BabyThe Factory WorkersThe Six-Armed WomanThe FairgoersThe Man in the Tent

Comic characters

SixThe Twin ChefsThe Boy in GreenThe Long-Haired GirlThe Refugee BoyThe Humpback GirlThe Bandaged KidLeechesThe Bread Giving BoyThe GuestsThe FerrymanThe JanitorThe LadyThe Refugee Boy's Younger SisterThe VillagersThe North WindThe Boy who got TallThe Boy who got ForkedThe Boy who got StrongThe Mirror Monster

SixThe HunterMonoThe ToddlerThe Thin ManThe Girl with BraidsThe DoctorThe Fat KidThe BulliesThe TeacherThe Ghost ChildThe ViewersThe Baker (cameo)The Black ChildrenThe Tall Figure


NooneThe CounsellorThe CandlemanThe WorkersThe PrisonersThe Tall WomanThe Child with Gooey HairCiciThe BathersJesterThe MerchantsThe Shopping MallThe Counsellor's ProfessorThe Performing Children (Rusty) • The Man in the Purple SuitThe Carnival PeopleThe DummyNomesThe Naughty KidsThe Balloon-Headed ManThe PuppetThe Perfect LadyEthan


AnimalsChildrenUnidentified Characters
