The Grasslands (unofficial name) is a location that was introduced in in Issue #1 of the Little Nightmares comic series by Titan Comics. It was formerly home to the Refugee Boy's village before it was destroyed by the North Wind.
The grasslands appear to be a vast expanse of open space. After the events that were caused by the North Wind, the area appeared to consist of many destroyed buildings and cloudy weather.
The villages
Only the ruins of the villages were seen scattered across the grasslands at the beginning of the comic. The Refugee Boy said that this was once a place where children were protected against the North Wind with charms, until one day when they suddenly no longer worked. The Villagers were seen driving the Refugee Boy and his sister out of a ruined village with pitchforks and torches.
The barn
The barn was a large abandoned barn that the Refugee Boy and his sister sought refuge in while being chased by the North Wind. The interior appears to have two levels, the second level being accessed with a ladder. The first level appeared to have stacks of hay and a giant tractor. A giant windmill can be seen next to it.
- This is the first nature-based location to have been introduced in the franchise, the second being the Wilderness.