The Guests' City (unofficial name) is a city that appears in Issue #1 of the Little Nightmares comic series by Titan Comics. It is home to the Guests that visit the Maw in Little Nightmares. Six passed through this city on her way to the Maw.
The city appears to be very similar to the Pale City, with thin and tall buildings that appear to be falling apart. The streets appear to be filled with the Guest characters, many of them carrying brief cases. The sidewalks appear to be just big enough for the guests to fit on, causing Six to have to walk in the street. The streets appear to be strung with lampposts. The clouds in the city can be seen passing through the buildings.
- After the Pale City, the Guests' City is the last known location for Six to have been before she was brought to the Maw by the Ferryman.
- This might imply that the two cities are in close proximity to one another.
- It was revealed in The Sounds of Nightmares that the Guests are not the only bloated Residents, other examples being The Bathers, The Carnival People, and The Fairgoers. This might imply that the city is not exclusively populated by the bloated Residents that visited the Maw.